Heels and Deals

Heels & Deals is the global community of women entrepreneurs who network online here on our website and in-person at our events. Women who own their own business, are a partner in a business, are self-employed, or are dreaming of starting up can join our community and receive fantastic membership benefits including connecting with like-minded success driven women business owners from around the world, promoting their business and engaging in discussions on the message boards and receiving special discounts to help keep business and personal costs down.

Our mission is to EMPOWER female entrepreneurs around the world to succeed both in their professional and personal objectives. This will be achieved through connecting, supporting, learning, inspiring and sharing with each other and to ultimately do deals with and through each other!

Our vision is to create a global community of women business owners connected to each other through online and in-person networking. We want like-minded successfully driven women to have easy access to each other’s skills, talents, knowledge and resources.

We are passionate about helping others and believe that through collaboration success will be achieved.

Our community of like-minded success-driven entrepreneur’s, benefit from a host of fabulous benefits. Members promote their businesses in their personal profiles and share their latest news through status updates and on the promotions & flyers board. The lively discussion boards offer quick and easy sharing and feedback while members post their needs on the wish wall. Members have access to a diverse group of women entrepreneurs many of whom publish articles to provide a rich pool of helpful information and insights for others.

In the UAE, and coming later this year in Hong Kong, monthly networking events are attended by a diverse group of amazing women from a broad range of nationalities, ages and industries. Expert speakers and advisors regularly contribute to continually educate and inspire. More cities will host Heels & Deals events in the near future so watch this space!

If you want your business to SUCCEED join us today! Become part of our global community of female entrepreneurs and get EMPOWERED!

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