Inspirational Woman: Carli Wheatley | Founder of Protein Haus

Carli Wheatley is the Founder of Protein Haus. She is a big believer that the relationship between nutrition and physical fitness is key to overall well-being and results.  So, the Protein Haus brand encompasses everything from a grab and go green shake to individually tailored fitness plans. Her ultimate goal is to help you become the best possible version of you;  motived, energised and with a sense of accomplishment.  Over the last 10 years she has built up an extensive client list who enjoy personalised approach, coaching methods and, above all, the outstanding life changing results delivered.  Carli Wheatley pic

Did you ever sit down and plan your career?

Yes! I am a firm believer in having goals and aiming high, and for me that’s how to make planning fun and fulfilling. At one point I even wrote my goals out on a piece of paper every single day, twice a day infact, morning and night, as a way of focusing myself and reminding myself what I was going to achieve and how I was going to do it. To believe in something is the power that help makes it happen.

Have you faced any challenges along the way and if so, how did you deal with them?

Every day is a challenge as I am constantly learning along the way. With an expanding and growing business there are constantly new issues that need solutions – and it’s down to me to find them even though I probably haven’t faced that challenge before. I’m not too proud to admit that sometimes there have been tears, maybe even the odd day of being grumpy, but ultimately, I always then get past that and find the best thing is just to get my head down and do my best to get what is needed done. I will never ignore a challenge.

What advice would you give someone who wishes to move into a leadership position for the first time?

Think about the type of leader you would follow and try to be that person yourself. There are some great books out there on Leadership and by taking some time to do some research you are investing in yourself as your personality, motivation and mind picks out the bits you like and adapts them into your own unique style. I think it’s all about being the best version of you and having passion in what you do and in your team.

When faced with two equally-qualified candidates, how would you decide who should have the role?

I’d hire them both! But aside from qualifications the vitally important things are the personal skills – everyone wants a team player and someone who is going to bring happiness and positivity into the workplace. I also offer Internships as sometimes candidates have the right attitude but lack the experience – this is a great way to get real workplace credibility and learn new skills, infact i’m looking for an Intern to be my assistant at the moment if anyone’s interested they should get in touch!

On a typical workday, how do you start your day and how does it end?

I get up at 5.30/6am and do a workout or sometimes just crack on with work if I have a lot of writing and planning to do,  I find it best to tackle this first thing in the morning when Starbucks is empty and it’s just me, my thoughts and my big coffee! My work day won’t ends until about 7/8pm, at which point I will drive home with my boyfriend, eat lots of Protein Haus food and chill out with a movie or series, at the moments it’s Games of Thrones.

What advice can you give to our members about raising their profiles within their own organisations?

Work hard, put in the hours and show that extra bit of dedication.

Have you benefited from coaching or mentoring?

Yes there have been a few strong women who have helped me realise my potential and allowed me to really be myself in every aspect of my life – professional and personal. There’s also my business partner who when we first met knew everything I didn’t about running a successful business, but nothing about protein and fitness which I did. Together we’re a perfect Protein Haus match!

Do you think networking is important and if so, what three tips would you give to a newbee networker?

Yes I think it’s vital – especially for me in the Health & Fitness industry – I need to stand out for all the right reasons and that means being on top of my game in every way! Customers at Protein Haus tell me how much they love the brand because we’re the whole package – we deliver on nutrition, but we understand fitness goals, we even host our own fitness events and nutrition talks! I network all the time in order to bring my customers the best products and best events out there, by knowing myself what’s top right now! My tips would be:

1. GET INVOLVED! Actively contributing is important, there’s no point just turning up and sitting on the sideline.

2.SELL YOUR SKILLS! You need to be confident in your abilities and show people why you’re worth meeting.

3. SMILE! Being approachable and eager to learn from others’ experiences is an attractive quality in any industry.

What does the future hold for you?

More Protein Hauses! I also want to write 5 books, infact they all need to be Bestselling Top 10s! I’m starting out with eBooks which will be available soon on my website.

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